Monday, September 28, 2009

Nothing really ends

2012 is not the end. Nothing ever ends. Everything is eternal. Things, as we know them may end, only to be reconstructed and transformed to rise to a higher state. All things need to be broken down to its basic essence before they are reconstructed to rise higher, otherwise, things will be damned to remain as they are or descend into lower forms. The world is evolving, the universe is always continuously evolving. We are evolving. Our consciousness in evolving. God is evolving through us. As the earth moves to the cosmic centre, humanity will be faced will a 'breaking down and annihilation of all things unessential, they will be forced to hold on to the one essential thing - the true God-self within them, only to rise to an awareness of unity and oneness with the universe and with God. 2012 is such a time. Signs are everywhere. Lets start with the circle crops:

David Wilcock:

This is the first of a few videos in the series. The others will follow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Is it really the end of the world as we know it?

From all the predictions of past doomsday predictions the 2012 DD prediction is the most prominent of them all as all scientific , religious and astronomical calculations seem to give valid and acceptable justifications to its prominence.
So lets not take it lightly my soon to all dead friends. Yes the final countdown starts now..

Topic 1 : If you're convinced that you have approx 1800++ days to be alive, what will you do?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Getting started - All you need to know about 2012

Officially, the forecast is based primarily on what is claimed to be the end-date of the Mayan calender, which is presented as lasting 5,125 years and as terminating on December 21, 2012.