Friday, October 2, 2009

Earthquakes, super typhoons !!!!!

Sept 2009  -    Typhoon that hit Taiwan
                          Earthquake south of Jakarta (7.3 on the richter scale)

Oct 2009   -     Tsunami in Samoa islands
   Flooding in the Philippines
                           Earthquake (7.9) of the island of Sumatera
                           Super typhoon predicted to hit the Philippines on the 4th of Oct 2009

Are we reaching the end soon ?

1 comment:

  1. I believe that the outward upheaval that take place around the world - the typhoons, earthquakes, war, virus etc happen - a worldwide destruction WILL take place! But ONLY to draw men away from the material world - the world as we know it, so they could look within, and find God there! Find God everywhere! Oneness with God and each other. It is very true what you wrote and I agree 100%, that religions will be no more. Religion will be destroyed and Spirituality will be restored. Religion divides, Spirituality Unites! So the cataclysmic upheavels and turmoils destroy the present world, and create a new world! Religion had its place. At different stages of human and personal development, toward realising the spiritual and God, the individuals had to undergo the experience of religion toward a certain stage of realisation, until they reach a stage in seeing that religion only brings you up to a certain stage- like elementary school. After you have passed that, religion is obsolete and is of not much use. Somehow, as the earth and the world undergoes major devastation, people will start being united and drop religion - there will be a spiritual awakening.
    This is my believe.
